wonder off.. go where you feel inspired
what do you need?

~ light ~
sunny and bright
theres always light
light at the end of the tunnel
light on the other side
of the earth
the sun is always shining
there is light inside us
and around us
no matter how dark it may seem
in a moment, an instant
it can seem dark
but light is never truly absent
just look up, admire the stars
light beaming from thousands
of light years away
an ever expanding universe
like our ever expanding
life experiences
the darker it is
the more stars you can see
the easier to see
a shooting star
to make a wish
to get what you've
always dreamt of
in the darkest of times
it makes it easier
to see the faintest of light
light is in you, around you
is you

embrace what makes you unique. embrace your weirdness

be you, no matter what you do
stay true to you
no one else is me
no one else is you
let what makes you unique
shine through

trillions of stars in the sky
looking up i feel alive
the milky way is so bright
why would anyone ever fight
seeing shooting stars fly by
looking at someone you love
eye to eye

stop.. look around. smile

beauty is everywhere
humbling us with just a stare
take a second to look around
i think you’ll see
what i’ve found

i am weird i’m aware
i am weird because i don’t care
about what people think
about how i don’t drink
i say and do some random things
i laugh a lot and
love hearing friends sing
i smile more then most i know
i like seeing friends
perform at their show
it makes me happy
to see people doing their art
it makes me laugh
to hear a fart
think about what makes you you
i bet others are weird too

cherish life, now we have time
in an instant we may not
friends, family, laughs, cries,
smiles, hugs, love.
happiness isn't bought
it isn't ever destroyed,
it isn't tangible at all.
happiness is appreciation
at its purest form.

like the wind moves
the waves crash
birds sing and kids laugh
sparkles of sun
on the leaves and water
one day i'll wake up
and be a father
a man i admire
a man who inspires
not just his kids
his wife, or his friends,
but the strangers he
may never see again

never lose that childlike creativity and wonderment

the word buddha means
one who has awakened to
his or her own true nature

i could be your man
if you're the one
i'm looking for

what is actually important?

la lights
tired nights
i see no stars
just flashy cars
priorities out of whack
souls heart attack

soft sand
ocean mist
hold my hand
summer bliss

be a light

pretty piano keys
buzzing of the bees
waves crashing in the sea
leaves blowing in the trees
these are a few
of my favorite things

i asked
you said yes
you changed
what a mess

be kind

cars pass by
moon in the sky
lights on the trees
bitter breeze
yellow and reds
leaves fall on heads
buildings so tall
montréal in the fall

wake up
breathe slowly
warm breaths in and out
eyes blurry
sun shining
beginning to focus
leave the comforter
warm water
steam fills the air
absence of all but dripping
then it fades to silence
at peace
my own world
disconnected from reality


lied to by the one i love
the pain i've felt
is stronger then the love
my trust in you was undone
moving forward
towards the sun
warm me up with your love
unconditional is what i need
opening up to that possibility
scared and afraid of being hurt
but i'll gamble with my heart
i've felt the pain before
and now i know
what i'm looking for

there's a world war
going on in my head
this is what happens
when you're well read

you're always looking back
live in the present