
Iā€™m an ocean activist, marine biologist, environmentalist, & a former competitive swimmer & bodyboarder that competed at the national level for both sports. I am driven to make a positive difference for our planet.

National Parks

National Parks

March 2020. We all know what happened. COVID-19 shut down the world.

Schools shut down to outside visitors and we worked remotely from our computers leading virtual student opportunities, helping our existing customers, and selling new travel programs as countries started opening up.

While we worked remotely we traveled around the country. We went to 31 National Parks in the U.S.

We want all people to experience how gorgeous the United States is. It is a remarkable part of the world with so may unique landscapes, plants, and animals.

Anna created a gap program in the U.S. that travels to the national parks in the four corner states based on our amazing national park adventure.

We make the most out of every situation and we live.

Go live your life, get into nature, and do what makes you the happiest.

Love you all :)

Australian Adventure

Australian Adventure