
I’m an ocean activist, marine biologist, environmentalist, & a former competitive swimmer & bodyboarder that competed at the national level for both sports. I am driven to make a positive difference for our planet.

First Two Months in Fiji

First Two Months in Fiji

Been in Fiji two months now and I’m absolutely loving it!

I’m extremely grateful that I’ve been able to teach over 40 young men and women as they embark on service for the people and waters of the islands of Fiji. Through teaching I have been able to educate my students on the impacts that overfishing, pollution, and climate change is having on the environment in an effort to create change in their communities back home and here in Fiji. We’ve been working to combat the negative effects of climate change by removing crown of thorn sea stars, which are having a devastating effect on the fragile coral reef ecosystem, conducting reef check surveys to obtain data that NGO’s and the government of Fiji can use to make more informed decisions, building sea walls to mitigate the effects of sea level rise, as well as, planting and restoring the local mangrove and dry forest population.

I’m tremendously fortunate to be here in Fiji. The culture is unlike any I’ve ever witnessed. Fijians are some of the most community driven and happiest people I’ve ever met. I set out to be a minimalist, to be fully sustainable, to put all my time into making the world a better place and Fiji has been an amazing place to further my journey.

Vinaka Fiji,



Off to Fiji

Off to Fiji