
I’m an ocean activist, marine biologist, environmentalist, & a former competitive swimmer & bodyboarder that competed at the national level for both sports. I am driven to make a positive difference for our planet.



I’ve now been in Fiji for about 5 months and have had some of the greatest moments of my life. I finished up leading an adventure program called “Big Fiji” with Rustic Pathways, which was an absolutely amazing experience. The students were exemplary and I can’t wait to hear about the positive effects they have on our planet. I’ve now had the pleasure of leading over 60 young men and women in not only finding out more about the environment both marine and terrestrial, but in finding themselves. I am so blessed to be able to facilitate positive personal growth for the next generation.

I’ve been writing a lot, working on a podcast, SCUBA, free diving, and hiking around the islands of Fiji, as well as, participating in the local cultural events. My contract was extended with Rustic Pathways and I am about to lead another group of students and groups from all over the world here in Fiji until December. The experiences I have had over these past 5 month have been exceptionally rewarding. My students, co-leaders, and I were able to finish building a kinder garden for one of the local villages here in Fiji. This one kinder garden will have a positive lasting effect on the children of Fiji for years to come. I am so proud of the work that Rustic Pathways continues to do around the world and am grateful to be apart of some of these service projects here in Fiji.

I want to thank everyone in my life for the continued support and thank all my students and coworkers for making these last 5 months some of the best 5 months of my life.

Vinaka Vaka Levu!

Au Lomani Iko

Au Lomani Iko

First Two Months in Fiji

First Two Months in Fiji