
I’m an ocean activist, marine biologist, environmentalist, & a former competitive swimmer & bodyboarder that competed at the national level for both sports. I am driven to make a positive difference for our planet.

Au Lomani Iko

Au Lomani Iko

I’m making the most out of every day. I’m always thinking about ways to best save our oceans and all the organisms that call them home. I’ve decided to move to Australia in December and work on protecting the Great Barrier Reef and sharks, as well as, educating the public on sustainable fishing practices and why we must use renewable resources as our primary energy source.

I’ll be in Fiji until December 1st, working on local service projects for many different villages as a program leader with Rustic Pathways. It’s been an experience beyond words. Fiji has brought me clarity in my life, rekindled my passions, and has taught me what is truly important. I have gained so much from these last six months that I will take with me and remember for the rest of my life.

Au Lomani Iko,



